About Me
Welcome to yogamakesyouhappy
I have been teaching yoga for 7 years and I have been practising yoga personally for 30 years, which must reflect that I ♥ yoga, yoga keeps me young both mentally and physically, it nurtures and heals both body and soul, it teaches me daily.
I teach group classes as well as 1-1 via zoom or in person in my hometown of Hastings. My preferreed style is the traditional hatha yoga and within that I love to weave aspects of vinyasa and yin. I also teach yin and restorative yoga, a bit of a melting pot.
I truly believe that yogamakesyouhappy and that yoga makes you.
may i be happy
may i be healthy
may i be safe
may i live with ease
A Little More About Me
I am triyoga qualified with a certificate of excellence and both british wheel of yoga and yoga alliance accredited, I regularly attend yoga workshops and courses, and am privileged enough to have taught abroad in india, italy and spain. every year i run my own yoga and wellbeing holiday to ibiza.

Benefit 1
Yoga helps to reduce stress and tension, boosts self esteem, improves concentration and creativity, helps to improve circulation and stimulates the immune system.

Benefit 2
So why do yoga? The short answer is yoga makes you feel good! Practicing the postures, breath awareness and meditations helps you feel healthier and happier in spirit, mind and body. Yoga helps you tune in, chill out and shape up, all at the same time.

Benefits 3
Warning – yoga has been known to cause health and happiness.
It creates an overall sense of wellbeing and calm and that is just the surface stuff!

See some of yogamakesyouhappy’s wonderful pics.
Great memories of shared moments with students and holiday guests!